Many of us who believe in Jesus assume that everyone in the world knows who he is and what he did to save them. Unfortunately, this is not the case. The Joshua Project estimates that over 3 billion people in the world are unreached. Unreached people lack enough followers of Christ and resources to evangelize their own people. If you or I were born into one of these areas, it is likely we would live out our entire lives and never hear about Jesus or meet a Christian.
We at Quenched believe it is our responsibility to do something about this. The areas we serve are classified as unreached, and many of our well recipients had never heard of Christ before our work reached them. We have formed relationships with some of the few Christians living in the areas we serve, and have partnered with them on the mission of bringing clean water and the gospel to the unreached.
These pastors are responsible for going to hard to reach places and looking for areas in significant need of clean water. They enter a village in need and begin to talk to families about how we can help them. This is the start to a relationship building process between the pastor and community.
When the well drilling process starts, the pastor is there praying over the soon to be well site. After the well is completed, the pastor leads a well dedication ceremony. During this celebration, the pastor shares who Jesus is, how much he loves everyone in that village, and how he died and rose again to save them.
We have found that meeting a physical need like water opens the hearts and minds of the recipients to their spiritual needs that only Jesus can meet. The pastor now has a platform he would not have had without helping with their needs for water. People are willing to listen to what he has to say. Through this process, we have seen hundreds of people give their lives to Jesus and have their eternal destination forever changed in the few short years we have been doing this work.
To help you better understand the physical and spiritual impact of our work, we have a free resource just for you. We have a completed project report that will show you an actual family or community who went through this process, and allow you to see the impact the well had on their lives. This is the same report we send to donors who sponsor a well.
To receive your free well report, please fill out the contact us section below and you will receive it within 24 hours.
To help you better understand the change each well brings, download a sample well report. This report includes the well’s location, a story from the community it serves, and an account of how access to clean water has impacted their lives. It’s the same report our partners receive when they sponsor a well, showing exactly how your support eternally makes a difference.