As we enter 2017, I would like to share some exciting updates from Living Water for the Thirsty. God continues to open up avenues and opportunities for us to continue with and expand upon our work.
Since our founding in 2015, we have completed 76 water well projects throughout Nepal. Through those projects, over 5,000 people now have access to clean water. In addition, thousands have heard the gospel through well dedication ceremonies and are now connected with the local church. We are so thankful to everyone who has prayed and given financially so this work could be accomplished.
The numbers are great, and something we celebrate. It is also the individual stories that are life changing. Whether it is the police officer and his family who struggled to get water, and now have their own clean water source. Or the young family who received a well but also the gospel message at the dedication ceremony, and decided to follow Jesus. Each one of these numbers represents a person who now has a basic need met. Time spent previously obtaining water can now be used to increase their productivity and personal livelihood.
As you may know, we also support the local church in Nepal with discipleship training. Through the wells and our church partners implementing the training, we have seen hundreds of people come to faith in Jesus. Clean water is something we celebrate, at the same time reaching people for Christ is why God has formed this organization, and is what drives everything we do.
In 2017 and beyond, our goals are even larger. Lord willing, we plan to provide wells to 85 families and or communities, and expand to new districts in Nepal. In addition, we plan to train hundreds of more pastors and new believers. To help share this work with others, we have launched a new video series highlighting our work and also our campaigns that I discussed in the previous blog message. You will see these videos at the bottom of this message.
We have an exciting event approaching, with one of our church planting partners traveling all the way from Nepal to the US to spend some time with us here in the states. For those of you that are in the Phoenix area, we are hosting an intimate Vision Meeting with him on Sunday, February 19th at 2pm. It will be held at Christ’s Church of the Valley (CCV), at their Peoria Campus. This will be a unique opportunity for those who may not be able to travel to Nepal with us to have some of Nepal come to them, and hear first hand how things are going. There will also be time for Q&A at the end of the session. If you wish to attend, please email your RSVP to
In March, we are headed back to Nepal in order to launch our discipleship training in a new district, dedicate more wells, and spend time with our partners. We have plans to train over 150 pastors and new believers during the visit, to help equip them to advance the Gospel.
In short, we are so thankful for the progress that continues to be made and what is next. We look forward to providing more updates in the months ahead. Thank you for your support and prayers.
God Bless,
Matt MacLean
Founder/Executive Director
Living Water for the Thirst