World Water Day, which takes place on March 22 every year, was created by the United Nations in 1993 in order to raise awareness about the world’s water crisis and what can be done to tackle it. It offers a great opportunity to think about what water means in your life and to contribute to a global conversation. If you’re fortunate, you live in a country where you don’t have to consider whether water is both available and safe to use. For most of us in the United States, there is no need to think about water. It’s something we need to survive but which we take for granted - streaming from our faucets and hoses, boiling in our tea kettles, flushing our toilets and helping to make our gardens grow.
This year’s World Water Day theme is simple -- the value of water. It’s important to understand just how essential this resource is; if managed correctly everyone can benefit. A core focus of World Water Day is to help achieve one of the U.N.’s Sustainable Development Goals: water and sanitation for all by 2030. As we’ve pointed out elsewhere on this site, not just millions but billions of people around the world suffer due to poor access to water, sanitation and hygiene. At Quenched, we’ve found that meeting a basic, physical need like water can open the hearts and minds of those with spiritual needs as well.
We work with local pastors to help us identify villages in India and Nepal that would benefit from a freshwater well. Once the well has been installed, we celebrate with a well dedication ceremony at which the pastor shares the Living Water of Jesus and begins to build relationships with the community.
To help you better understand the impact of our work, we have a free resource just for you: a sample of a completed project report with the story of an actual family or community who went through this process. It’s the best way to show how much difference a well can make.
Our mission requires your help and there are so many ways you can contribute, You might choose to send a tax-deductible gift or host or participate in a fundraiser. But even by simply sharing Quenched’s message with friends, family, and associates, your support can save lives!
Join our community bringing clean water and the Gospel to the unreached.