This summer is flying by! In just a few weeks, my kids head back to school. I can’t believe it! As we head into the second half of 2019, it’s amazing to look back and see all that’s happened. We rebranded Living Water for the Thirsty to Quenched, continued to expand the work of the ministry to new areas in Nepal and India, and had an impactful Vision Night in Peoria, Arizona. God is certainly on the move, and we are excited to share some other updates from the field and stateside.
Well #300
In June, we completed a series of wells in some predominantly Muslim areas in Northern India. Over 82% of the population in India is Hindu, so this was a unique opportunity for Quenched to reach yet another faith both physically with water, and spiritually with the Gospel. The 300th well since our founding was completed in this series of wells with a Muslim family as the recipient. Their testimony is unbelievable: “I am the first man in my village to get a well from Christians. My previous assumption about Christians was wrong. I found how they are loving and caring towards the poor and needy.” This is exactly what Jesus told us to be, a light in the darkness and difference makers to those in need. We continue to pray for these families that they come to believe in Jesus as the one true God.
Baptisms & RAD Training
Since the beginning of 2019, 105 people have been baptized as a result of Quenched’s ministry in Nepal and India. Momentum continues to build as the work spreads to new areas. We have seen new churches planted, with our Rapidly Advancing Disciples (RAD) program leading the way. RAD training is a key component which makes us different from other clean water ministries. At these trainings, new believers are taught what it means to follow Christ, how to share their faith, and how to plant and grow a healthy church. Each time we receive a well sponsorship donation, the funds are split between digging the well and training disciples in that same community. With RAD training, wells become the foundation for a sustainable church plant. In the last 90 days alone, we have seen 17 new house churches started from these efforts.
Invest in Others Finalist
Back here in the U.S., Quenched just received some national recognition which we are very excited about! It’s connected to my day job as a financial advisor. Invest in Others, an organization that recognizes the impact that financial advisors have on a nonprofit, has selected myself and Quenched as a finalist for the Invest in Others Global Impact Award. As a finalist, a $10,000 donation will be given to Quenched. If named the winner at the awards gala in September, the donation will increase to $40,000! We are so excited to see how God will use this nomination and donation to further his work in Nepal and India.
Finally, please keep Quenched in your prayers. We truly believe this movement is of God. Please pray that He will continue to advance the work in a way that only He can do. In addition to your prayers, please consider donating. Our commitment is that 100% of your donation will go to the field to dig clean water wells and train disciples because all of our overhead is covered by private donors. We would be honored for you to join us as we help unreached people living in extreme poverty receive clean and Living Water through the local church.
Join our community bringing clean water and the Gospel to the unreached.