Meeting Needs and Advancing the Gospel Amid Crisis

As I write this, most of the world is under a stay-at-home order or lockdown due to the global pandemic. Here in the United States, we can still go to the store when we need food or other basic items. When it comes to working, many people are able to do their jobs from home and earn a paycheck, but for millions, they’ve lost their jobs or been furloughed. We all are facing uncertainty and difficulty both physically and economically, and our thoughts and prayers are with all of you during this time. 


In Nepal and India, the people we serve are also affected by this crisis. Both countries have been under strict lockdown since March 25th. During that time, businesses are closed – even most grocery/food stores. People are not able to go to work as there is no option to work virtually from home. In remote villages, the vast majority of the population does daily labor work for their wages. They do not have electricity or a pantry or fridge full of food. So, when their income goes away and any nearby markets are closed, most people face significant challenges to find food for their families. 


Since our founding in 2015, we have served over 52,000 people with clean and reliable water. These people are still able to wash their hands and have water for their daily needs. There are millions more in these regions who are not so fortunate, and we are planning to bring more people water as soon as the lockdown ends. In the meantime, there are countless people who have not eaten for days and are literally starving due to the circumstances already mentioned. 


Quenched is in a unique position to adapt and help. In the last four plus years, God has multiplied the church and the pastors we work with. With a network of hundreds of pastor leaders across Nepal and India, we have people on the ground that are aware of the needs of those living in urgent physical and spiritual poverty around them. These pastors are being supplied with resources to purchase a 30-day supply of food for families in urgent need. In the last two weeks, we have helped over 500 individuals with these basic food needs while pastors share the hope and love of Jesus Christ with them. The church is once again being equipped to be the light to those who are lost, and we know of 2 families who have already given their lives to Jesus amid this crisis. 


Despite all of the uncertainty and fear right now, God is still on His throne. The pandemic we face has not surprised Him. I firmly believe how we respond will either glorify Him or show that Christians are no different from the rest of the world. Right now, there are tens of millions of people who are without the hope of Jesus Christ in Nepal and India. They are looking for hope amid the most difficult situation they have faced in their lifetimes. We as the church have the opportunity to rise up and meet their needs physically, while a pastor who speaks their language and knows their hurts provides the ultimate hope of Jesus Christ to them. The church will stand out by bringing food and clean water to people living in urgent need when it appears nobody sees their pain and difficulty, all while pointing to the God who loved them enough to die on the cross so they could be reconciled to Him. 


God is going to bring countless more people to salvation through this crisis. Quenched has been uniquely prepared for such a time as this. Our team is ready and waiting to meet the needs of thousands more not just physically, but spiritually. In order to do this, we need your prayers and partnership. This is likely the greatest challenge our generation will ever face. I love hearing the stories of how people rose to the challenges of the Great Depression and the World War eras. Lord willing, I want to look back on this crisis and share stories with my grandkids one day about how, despite the historic difficulties we faced, it was the church’s finest hour. And through the work in this crisis, God will add more of our brothers and sisters from Nepal and India to faith, and they will be part of the scene described in Revelation 7:9, “After this I looked, and behold, a great multitude that no one could number, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed in white robes, with palm branches in their hands, and crying out with a loud voice, ‘Salvation belongs to our God who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb!’”


 So, as you look to help and impact those living around you, please consider those we serve halfway around the world. We have opportunities for you to partner with one-time gifts to meet the current urgent needs. We also have our Quench & Equip program where for $40 per month you will impact 12 people per year with clean water and provide discipleship training to that region. Since we have generous donors who cover all of our overhead, 100% of your gift will go directly to those we serve to provide an immediate impact. 

As 2 Timothy 1:7 says: “For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.” We pray this over you and your families during this time. 


God Bless,

Matt MacLean

​President and Founder

By Barbara Carneiro November 7, 2024
Water pollution is a major environmental problem the world over, but India is among the nations most severely impacted by water scarcity and contamination. Clean water is arguably the most essential resource for life on the planet, and, in wealthy nations, most people need only turn on a tap to access it. Yet in India, people, animals, and crops struggle for daily survival because of the degree to which harmful practices have corrupted water resources. Each detrimental effect of water pollution leads to another, causing systemic suffering. The Causes of Water Pollution in India There are three main causes of contamination in India’s surface, ground, and drinking water: Lack of Planned Water Infrastructure. Water infrastructure is fragmented (each state controls its own), and urban population growth exceeds the government’s infrastructure capacity. Rural areas have even fewer municipal water resources. Industrial Pollution. Water pollution caused by industries in India is endemic. Over 77% of national industries contribute significantly to water pollution. Major offenders include the mining, chemical, and electricity sectors; pollution from textiles; and other water-intensive industries as well. Lack of Proper Waste Management and Processing. About 70% of India’s daily wastewater (sewage, garbage, and industrial runoff) is untreated and flows directly into natural bodies of water. Eventually, infectious bacteria and disease seep into the groundwater as well. The Effects of Water Pollution in India As you might imagine, India’s water pollution has devastatingly harmful effects on both humans and ecosystems. These include: Destroyed Crops. The polluted groundwater prevents crop growth. The crops that do grow are less nutritious or unsafe for consumption, resulting in food shortages and the inability to export healthy crops for economic gain. Spread of infectious disease. The bacteria in the polluted groundwater causes people to contract diseases like typhoid, cholera, hepatitis, E. coli, dysentery, and salmonella. It also causes malnourishment in children, which leads to problems with their development in the short term and for their overall health in the long term. Disproportionate suffering of women and children. In India, women are responsible for domestic water acquisition . Both women and children are tasked with walking long distances to reach water sources and with carrying water home, which takes time and energy away from other responsibilities. As a result, mothers have less quality time to spend with their families. Lack of proper nutrition and a greater chore burden mean that children have difficulty progressing in their education. This in turn ultimately impedes their chances for academic and professional success. Economic Stagnation. Communities fail to thrive as a whole when crops fail, people get sick, or children face obstacles to their education. This in turn lowers India’s productivity, wealth, and GDP (gross domestic product). Ways to Address Water Pollution in India There are several ways to address water pollution in India. Water infrastructure can be integrated so that problems can be solved nationwide. The billions of cubic meters of rainfall that India receives each year can be better harvested and managed; the number of wastewater treatment plants can be increased. Water filters can also be used as a stopgap. Another solution is to install clean drinking water wells in villages that most need them. At Quenched, we want to change the world and know you do, too. One of the ways we do that is by helping those in need in India and Nepal. We work to give the people of Nepal and India hope by offering them clean water and the life-changing message of Jesus Christ . Find out how you can help us make a difference and bring clean water to these communities today!
By Barbara Carneiro November 7, 2024
There are so many good reasons to communicate with site visitors. Tell them about sales and new products or update them with tips and information.
By Barbara Carneiro November 7, 2024
To find water to use in their homes, poor people in India must often travel long distances for many hours in search of water. Once they find it, it’s often contaminated but their only option. About 200,000 Indians die every year from diseases related to dirty water and many more become sick from them. Something that seems so simple, a water well, can completely transform a community. Having clean water available frees up time for education and starting businesses. It also makes life safer for the women and children who have to bring water back to their villages. A healthier community can grow and thrive. Our organization, Quenched, was created out of a desire to help. We’re committed to bringing both physical and spiritual relief to developing countries who do not yet know Jesus Christ. The wells are built by local workers and blessed by local pastors, who use each dedication ceremony as an opportunity to share the Living Water of Jesus.  Currently our projects are in India and Nepal. Many people in these countries are not only in desperate need of water, but also have never heard of Jesus . We like to show the impact our wells have had upon communities by sharing a project report. It tells the story of one community in Nepal whose lives were changed by a single village well. For a free copy, please fill out the form below.
By Barbara Carneiro September 27, 2021
When asked about their aspirations, many people cite a desire to make a difference in the world. This sounds like an altruistic purpose; it hints at humanitarian or conservation goals, but what does it really mean? Our world is a huge, complex, and often dangerous place. How do you make a difference in the world? How to Make a Difference in the World Making a difference in the world can seem like an overwhelming task when you think about it. However, if you’ve ever heard the expression “think globally, act locally,” you know that it’s sometimes simplest to start by “making a world of difference” in your own community. This could mean engaging in random acts of kindness where you live, such as helping out your neighbors, making your backyard more wildlife-friendly, picking up litter, or leaving positive reviews on apps like Yelp for businesses you frequent. Even mindfully working supportive comments into your conversations with others can make the difference between a good and bad day for them. Love Makes a World of Difference Sometimes love itself is a way of making a difference in our world. You can find ways to support vulnerable groups or become active in your local church. You may also consider using whatever platforms of influence you have to inspire others to show love for people who most need it. The world needs acts of love now more than ever for countless reasons. Global warming is increasing natural disasters worldwide, and low-income countries suffer the heaviest losses from these. International relations are becoming more tense and violent, and domestic political divisions threaten national peace and unity. Travel the World and Make a Difference If you’re adventurous, you can also travel the world to make a difference. Many Christian, humanitarian, and conservationist groups organize missions in various countries. If there’s somewhere you’d especially like to visit or a particular community you’d like to help, you can do some quick internet research to see how to get involved with an organization that aligns with your values and interests. However, even traveling the world with the simple intention of learning about other cultures (and representing your own to others) will give you more of a global perspective, and this is a meaningful goal as well. Support Nonprofits That Make a Difference Whether you’re at home or abroad, you can always support nonprofit organizations that make a difference in the world. You can do this by volunteering your time or making donations to a nonprofit or charity of your choice. It doesn’t matter if it’s a small stand-alone group or a local chapter of a larger organization, your effort is still helping to better the world. If possible, maximize your impact by choosing a group that makes a difference in the world in more than one way. At Quenched, we want to make a difference in the world and know you do, too. One of the ways we do that is by helping those in need in India and Nepal. We work to give the people of Nepal and India hope by offering them clean water and the life-changing message of Jesus Christ. Find out how you can help us make a difference and bring clean water to these communities today!
By Barbara Carneiro August 25, 2021
Childhood is an incredibly important part of every person’s life. It’s when we begin to discover the world, develop physically and mentally, and begin learning about values such as honesty and obedience. While there are many important lessons to teach children, one of the most essential things that we can pass on to younger generations is the importance of generosity. Here are some tips for teaching generosity to children from a biblical perspective: Use the Bible as Your Guide - Children learn from the things they see and hear, so use the Bible as a guide for teaching them about generosity. There are many parables pertaining to gratitude and helping others that you can share, such as The Widow’s Offering (Mark 12:41-44). In this story, Jesus is watching people put offerings into the temple treasury. Many rich people come and give large amounts, but one widow catches Jesus’ attention as she puts in two small coins. Jesus explains that her contribution is worth more than all the other bigger ones because she gave all she had while being impoverished, and the rich simply gave out of their wealth. This is a great Bible lesson to convey the meaning of generosity because it focuses on giving based on what you have. This also teaches children that you don’t only give when you have plenty, but also when you have little. Additionally, God shows His own generosity in John 3:16 - “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.” In this verse, God exemplifies the meaning of generosity by giving His only Son to the world to bring us salvation. We should follow God’s example with our time, talent, and treasure. By incorporating the Bible and its teachings into your child’s life from an early age, you can help teach them what it means to be a generous Christian disciple. Practice Generosity as a Family - One of the main ways children learn is by imitating what others do. Understand that you are a role model for your child and if they see you do something, they are more likely to do it as well. As Christians, being generous and grateful for what you have should be a central part of your life. Generosity is a matter of the heart and we want to foster a generous heart for both ourselves and our children. We have received God’s love freely and we should give that love freely as well. By being the good you want to see in the world, you are both acting as a disciple of Christ and ensuring that your children will become generous Christians as well. Make it a point for your family to spread your generosity throughout the world by doing things like volunteering for community service, helping at your church, being gracious hosts when you have people over to your house, and living your life according to God’s will. Another good idea is to encourage your child to give every time they receive. For example, if your child receives money as a gift, suggest that they allot some of the funds to a local charity. This will help spread God’s gifts to others, as well as teach your child to be grateful for the things they receive and teach them to be generous to others. The world needs more generous people in order to help one another and solve the issues we face. Teaching children about generosity is one of the best ways to ensure a brighter, more hopeful future. At Quenched we want to change the world and teach generosity to the next generation. One of the ways we do that is by helping those in need in India and Nepal. We work to give the people of Nepal and India hope by offering them clean water and the life-changing message of Jesus Christ. Our work there is even more critical now due to the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic. Find out how you can help us make a difference and bring clean water to these communities today!
By Barbara Carneiro July 26, 2021
While stuck at home during the pandemic, our minds were opened to the different things we could do to entertain ourselves and even learn a bit more about the world we were shut off from. Many creative at-home activities popped up all around the world, and some of them have even stuck around as the pandemic is slowly brought under control. If you’re looking for fun things to do at home, one of those creative activities is hosting a cultural night for your friends or family. Here’s what that entails: Figure Out What Culture You Would Like to Experience  The first step in hosting a cultural night is to choose a culture you and your family would like to experience. Is there a country or region you are interested in that you would like to learn more about? Is there a country you’ve visited that you want to introduce your friends or family to? In this article, we will specifically highlight what hosting an Indian cultural night looks like and everything it involves. Pick a Cultural Recipe to Make The next step is to pick a recipe specific to the culture you selected. Cooking is one of the cornerstones of every culture, so experiencing a culture through its food is one of the most authentic ways to learn more about it. One of India’s most popular dishes is butter chicken (murgh makhani), which is chicken prepared in buttery curry and is normally served with rice and naan. Try to prepare your meal in the traditional method and make as much as you can from scratch. Try out these recipes for butter chicken and homemade naan for your Indian cultural night! Find Other Cultural Activities to Include Next, research other activities specific to the culture you are focusing on. This can include learning to speak several phrases in the language(s) the culture uses, playing games that are a part of the specific culture, reading from popular authors, watching movies from that culture, and even performing cultural dances. India has many different styles of dancing, but one of the most popular ones is Bharatanatyam. This style of dance can be traced back to Hindu temples in the Tamil Nadu region of southeastern India, and includes expressive gestures as well as religious storytelling. As a group, follow these steps to learn how to perform Bharatanatyam dances and add more fun to your cultural night! At Quenched we want to change the world and know that you do, too. One of the ways we do that is by helping those in need in India and Nepal. We work to give the people of Nepal and India hope by offering them clean water and the life-changing message of Jesus Christ. Our work there is even more critical now due to the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic. Find out how you can help us make a difference and bring clean water to these communities today!
By Barbara Carneiro June 15, 2021
Over the course of the last year, many aspects of our daily lives have taken on more significant importance. One of these areas is proper hand-washing and sanitation. This is something that many people didn’t often think about, merely just going through the steps. However, the COVID-19 pandemic has made us re-examine these small parts of our daily lives. Even before COVID-19 hit, though, poor sanitation and lack of access to handwashing facilities accounted for nearly 1.5 million deaths per year across the globe. The majority of these deaths occurred in developing countries that all have one main thing in common: lack of access to clean water. Once communities gain access to clean water, proper hand-washing and sanitation will become a reality. Proper hand-washing includes washing your hands with clean, warm water and soap for at least twenty seconds, scrubbing all around your hands, including in between all of your fingers. With proper hand-washing, it’s also important to think about when and how often you wash your hands. Any time someone handles food, uses the restroom, sneezes, touches something outside, or touches something that many other people have touched, like a door handle, they should wash their hands. Without clean water, people cannot properly wash their hands, even if they have soap and other cleaning supplies. This leads to the contraction and spread of infectious diseases like diarrhea, dysentery, cholera, as well as viral infections like influenza, meningitis, and even COVID-19. So, expanding access to clean water is the first step to helping those living without appropriate sanitation. At Quenched we want to change the world and know that you do too. You can give the people of Nepal and India hope by partnering with us to offer them clean water and the life-changing message of Jesus Christ. Our work there is even more critical now due to the COVID-19 situation. Your contribution will fund the building of a well in a place in desperate need of clean water, train the local community in proper sanitation and hand-washing, and hopefully help to build a faith community as well.
By Barbara Carneiro May 24, 2021
May 2021 As summer rapidly approaches, those of us in the United States are starting to see some signs of healing from the pandemic. Businesses are reopening, travel is picking up, churches are open, and optimism for continued recovery abound. The situation in the regions we serve in India and Nepal is very different. In the last week, India is averaging nearly 400,000 confirmed COVID cases per day. Nepal has surpassed its 2020 daily case count highs as this crisis hits both countries harder than ever before. People are on strict lockdown. Food, water and other basic needs are proving more difficult to find. Hospital beds, oxygen and other necessary treatments that were already in short supply amid these poverty-stricken countries are now nearly impossible to find. The images of countless funeral pyres burning on the news breaks our hearts. As those we love so deeply in India and Nepal face such a dark hour, Quenched is in a unique situation to help. We have several dozen wells that were nearing completion before the lockdowns started. We will be dedicating those wells and starting many more as soon as we are able. Last year during the lockdowns, we helped thousands of people who were literally starving by providing basic necessities like food and self-care supplies. As the situation develops, we are likely going to have the opportunity to meet needs and help the poorest of the poor once again. As you are wondering what you can do, we have two suggestions. First let's all join together in prayer. Pray for the people of India and Nepal, that those infected by the virus are healed. Pray for the medical providers, that they may have the supplies and resources needed to treat those that are sick. Pray for the safety of our pastor partners and other believers as they try to help those around them and share the gospel. Finally, let’s pray that God would reveal Himself to the people of India and Nepal, that many will be saved through this situation. Secondly, would you please consider donating to the mission? With so many countless needs in Nepal and India, a one-time gift or joining our monthly giving program will go a long way. Every gift counts and will allow our pastor partners to be on the front lines helping those impacted by this situation. Also, 100% of your gift goes directly to the field because of generous donors who cover all of our operating expenses. Thank you for your prayers and support! God Bless, Matt MacLean “So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith.” Galatians 6:10
By Barbara Carneiro May 3, 2021
“Living water,” is a phrase that can be found in different books throughout the Bible. There are four main instances that hold significance, two in the Old Testament and two in the New Testament. One of the early examples of living water in the Bible comes from Jeremiah 2:13 where God says, “My people have committed two sins: They have forsaken me, the spring of living water, and have dug their own cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold water.” Later in Jeremiah 17:13, Jeremiah says of God, “Lord, you are the hope of Israel; all who forsake you will be put to shame. Those who turn away from you will be written in the dust because they have forsaken the Lord, the spring of living water.” In these two passages, God is referred to as “the spring of living water,” who His people have abandoned to try and do things their own way by digging their own cisterns and turning away from Him. The passages show that God gives His people everything they need, like water, and that when they turn away from Him, they are lost and hopeless. In the New Testament, Jesus speaks to a Samaritan woman in John 4:10, saying, “If you knew the gift of God, and who it is that is saying to you, ‘Give me a drink,’ you would have asked him, and he would have given you living water.” Later in John 7: 37-39 Jesus once again speaks of living water, saying, “‘Let anyone who is thirsty come to me and drink. Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them.’ By this he meant the Spirit, whom those who believed in him were later to receive. Up to that time the Spirit had not been given, since Jesus had not yet been glorified.” In the two passages from John, Jesus speaks of living water not just as water, but also as a symbol for the Holy Spirit and what is to come after Jesus’ death and resurrection for his followers who believe in Him. So, what is living water? Living water can be understood in various ways, but the clearest way is that living water is a symbol for salvation and a true knowledge of God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. God provides us with everything we need and is the “living water” that continues to always give to us. At Quenched we want to change the world, and know that you do too. You can give the people of Nepal and India hope by partnering with us to offer them living water through clean water and the life-changing message of Jesus Christ. Your contribution will fund the building of a well in a place in desperate need of clean water and hopefully help to build a faith community as well. Click here to find out more about the work we do in India and Nepal. For an example of the impact our wells have had upon the communities we serve, please fill out the form below to receive a free project report. It tells the story of one community in Nepal whose lives were changed by a single village well.
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