As I write this, most of the world is under a stay-at-home order or lockdown due to the global pandemic. Here in the United States, we can still go to the store when we need food or other basic items. When it comes to working, many people are able to do their jobs from home and earn a paycheck, but for millions, they’ve lost their jobs or been furloughed. We all are facing uncertainty and difficulty both physically and economically, and our thoughts and prayers are with all of you during this time.
In Nepal and India, the people we serve are also affected by this crisis. Both countries have been under strict lockdown since March 25th. During that time, businesses are closed – even most grocery/food stores. People are not able to go to work as there is no option to work virtually from home. In remote villages, the vast majority of the population does daily labor work for their wages. They do not have electricity or a pantry or fridge full of food. So, when their income goes away and any nearby markets are closed, most people face significant challenges to find food for their families.
Since our founding in 2015, we have served over 52,000 people with clean and reliable water. These people are still able to wash their hands and have water for their daily needs. There are millions more in these regions who are not so fortunate, and we are planning to bring more people water as soon as the lockdown ends. In the meantime, there are countless people who have not eaten for days and are literally starving due to the circumstances already mentioned.
Quenched is in a unique position to adapt and help. In the last four plus years, God has multiplied the church and the pastors we work with. With a network of hundreds of pastor leaders across Nepal and India, we have people on the ground that are aware of the needs of those living in urgent physical and spiritual poverty around them. These pastors are being supplied with resources to purchase a 30-day supply of food for families in urgent need. In the last two weeks, we have helped over 500 individuals with these basic food needs while pastors share the hope and love of Jesus Christ with them. The church is once again being equipped to be the light to those who are lost, and we know of 2 families who have already given their lives to Jesus amid this crisis.
Despite all of the uncertainty and fear right now, God is still on His throne. The pandemic we face has not surprised Him. I firmly believe how we respond will either glorify Him or show that Christians are no different from the rest of the world. Right now, there are tens of millions of people who are without the hope of Jesus Christ in Nepal and India. They are looking for hope amid the most difficult situation they have faced in their lifetimes. We as the church have the opportunity to rise up and meet their needs physically, while a pastor who speaks their language and knows their hurts provides the ultimate hope of Jesus Christ to them. The church will stand out by bringing food and clean water to people living in urgent need when it appears nobody sees their pain and difficulty, all while pointing to the God who loved them enough to die on the cross so they could be reconciled to Him.
God is going to bring countless more people to salvation through this crisis. Quenched has been uniquely prepared for such a time as this. Our team is ready and waiting to meet the needs of thousands more not just physically, but spiritually. In order to do this, we need your prayers and partnership. This is likely the greatest challenge our generation will ever face. I love hearing the stories of how people rose to the challenges of the Great Depression and the World War eras. Lord willing, I want to look back on this crisis and share stories with my grandkids one day about how, despite the historic difficulties we faced, it was the church’s finest hour. And through the work in this crisis, God will add more of our brothers and sisters from Nepal and India to faith, and they will be part of the scene described in Revelation 7:9, “After this I looked, and behold, a great multitude that no one could number, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed in white robes, with palm branches in their hands, and crying out with a loud voice, ‘Salvation belongs to our God who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb!’”
So, as you look to help and impact those living around you, please consider those we serve halfway around the world. We have opportunities for you to partner with one-time gifts to meet the current urgent needs. We also have our Quench & Equip program where for $40 per month you will impact 12 people per year with clean water and provide discipleship training to that region. Since we have generous donors who cover all of our overhead, 100% of your gift will go directly to those we serve to provide an immediate impact.
As 2 Timothy 1:7 says: “For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.” We pray this over you and your families during this time.
God Bless,
Matt MacLean
President and Founder