For this update, we want to pass along a note of praise, and also a request for prayer. As we approach the 3rd anniversary of the founding of Living Water for the Thirsty, we have an exciting milestone to celebrate. This month the 200th water well project in the country of Nepal was completed! In those 200 projects, over 18,500 people now have access to water. Additionally, over 8,200 people have heard the gospel (many for the first time) at well dedications.
This is all something to celebrate, but we are not done yet! There are many more villages and families that still lack access to clean water in Nepal. And there are many more who still have never heard the good news of the Gospel.
We are seeing tremendous growth in our first wells in the country of India, and so excited for what God has instore. We have completed over 15 projects in just five months in India, but there is much left to do. In the two Northern Indian states of Bihar and Uttar Pradesh, there are over 300 million people! Most of these people live in extreme poverty, and both of these countries are less than 0.2% Christian according to the Joshua Project. They need clean water through the good news of the Living Water.
As the gospel is spreading in these areas, persecution is on the rise. This month, a law went into effect in Nepal that makes it illegal to convert someone to a different faith. If found guilty, a person could be set to prison for five years and face fines. With the law in force and persecution increasing, believers in Nepal have to be wise in how they live out their faith. We would appreciate your prayers that they may continue in wisdom and boldness.
We have seen growth and testimonies that cannot be explained apart from the work and hand of God. For those of you who have been supporting our work or praying for us, THANK YOU! You have been part of the Gospel spreading in equipping local pastors to be the hands and feet of Jesus. For those of you who have been thinking about getting involved, there is no better time than the present. Join us as we continue this mission to bring clean water and the Gospel to the unreached people of Nepal and India!